

Under construction

This page is under construction. This will be a page for Aalto Operator Manual.


Table of Contents

What does the platform do?

The platform is designed to support light entrepreneurs, freelancers and microcompanies in their daily business operations.

This includes management and handling of clients, invoices, expenses, salaries, payouts, taxes, and accounting.

The platform also supports flexible and easy messaging between users or contact the support. You can also get help by contacting us using the messaging service or the AI chatbot.

What to do if I need help?

Please contact us via our website or using the platform’s built-in messaging functionality. You can also see our contact details in our website.

How do I login to Dashboard?

  1. In home page, enter a valid operator email or username
  2. Enter also a valid password for the provided email or username
  3. Click on “LOGIN”

You are now logged in.

What if I forgot my password?

To reset the password, access the home page and click on “Forgot your password?”

How do I recover an operator password?

To recover your operator password you need the email provided in your registration or your username.

  1. In Recover your password page, type your email or username
  2. Click on “SEND RESET LINK”
  3. Access the link received in the email
  4. In the opened page, create a new password and confirm it
  5. Click on “RESET MY PASSWORD”
  6. Login using the new password

Now you have successfully reset your password.

How to review an invoice?

To review an invoice:

  1. From Dashboard: in quick actions, click on the “Review Invoices” button. From menu, open “Invoices for review”
  2. Click on the invoice you want to review. To find faster the invoice, you could use the user filter if you know the username
  3. Click on the invoice you want to review
  4. Click on “Approve”

You can continue reviewing invoices

Can I approve a client review?

No, only the client or root-admins can approve client review.

Can I approve the finance review?

No, only finance or root-admin users can approve finance review.

What if automatic salary payout approval for an invoice is enabled?

When enabling automatic salary payout approval for an invoice, the salary payout will be approved automatically once it is requested. So, you don’t need to approve the salary payout. Please take into account that the freelancer can not have any debt collection configured.

How to enable automatic salary payout approval for an invoice?

You can enable automatic salary payout approval for an invoice when reviewing the invoice. In the bottom of the invoice viewer, there is a toggle to enable it.

What if I enable automatic approval for the client?

When enabling automatic approval for a client, all the invoices the user creates for this client will be automatically approved when the amount is not higher than the one set. If the amount is higher they should require the operator’s approval.

How to enable automatic approval for a client?

You can enable automatic approval for a client when reviewing the invoice, in the bottom of the invoice viewer there is a toggle to enable it and set the maximum amount. Also, in the clients page, when editing a client, you can enable the toggle and set the maximum amount.

How to mark an invoice as paid?

Please take into account that normally all invoices are marked as paid automatically by the system. But if you still need to mark an invoice as paid: 

  1. Go to menu and open Invoices page
  2.  Search for the invoice you want to mark as paid and open it
  3. Click on “Mark as paid” 
  4. Type a message explanation and click on “Confirm”
  5. Check that the invoice new status is “Paid”

How to refund an invoice?

To refund an invoice:

  1. Go to menu and open Invoices page
  2. In the list, click on the three dots (more) button of the invoice you want to refund. To find faster the invoice, you could use the user filter if you know the username
  3. Click on “Refund”
  4. Type a message explanation and click on “Confirm”
  5. Check that a new invoice has been created as “Credited” for the same freelancer

You can also refund an invoice by clicking on the invoice and then clicking on “Refund”.
Please take into account that only sent or paid invoices can be refunded.

Which deductions can I create as an operator?

An operator can create the following deductions:

  • Direct cost to generate income: this is the default expense type and deduction that can be attached into salary payout. This is for instance travel kilometers, daily allowance or meal allowance and are reported to the tax office with their individual codes. Other expense type deductions are reported based on the tax handling type selected.
  • Paid to freelancer separately: e.g. if Freelancer has used company credit card for materials or company account in purchasing equipment for his work. This is not part of gross salary and reduces the freelancer income reported to the tax office.
  • Non direct cost: A deduction which has been paid by the company(operator) for the freelancer, and which is not directly work-related cost, for example: apartment rent fee. This cost is paid by the company (operator) and therefore decreases the payout amount.
  • Generic cost: A deduction which is not directly work or task specific but is still general cost related to the working in general, such as working clothes or general tools. This cost is paid by the company (operator) and therefore reduces the net decreases the payout amount.

How to create a non direct cost deduction?

To create a non direct cost deduction:

  1. Filter by the freelancer for which you are going to create the deduction
  2. Click on + Add new expense in the bottom right corner
  3. Activate the toggle “Expense is included in the total sum of the invoice”
  4. Select non direct cost deduction type
  5. You can choose the invoice for this deduction
  6. Type a description or reason for the deduction
  7. You can add a reference
  8. Select the date
  9. Add a gross or net price
  10. Select the VAT rate
  11. Attach the ticket or receipt if you have it. You can create the deduction without it but we recommended to attach it
  12. Click on “Save”
  13. If you haven’t attached the ticket confirm to proceed without it

You can also create a non direct cost deduction during the salary payout review, by clicking on “Add deduction” on the Deductions step. The modal displayed is the same.

Please take into account that the deduction will be included in the invoice total amount. If there is more than one invoice, the deduction will be included only in the payout.

How to create a generic cost deduction?

To create a generic cost deduction:

  1. Filter by the freelancer for which you are going to create the deduction
  2. Click on + Add new expense in the bottom right corner
  3. Activate the toggle “Expense is included in the total sum of the invoice”
  4. Select generic cost deduction type
  5. You can choose the invoice to attach the deduction
  6. Type a description or reason for the deduction
  7. You can add a reference
  8. Select the date
  9. Add a gross or net price
  10. Select the VAT rate
  11. Attach the ticket or receipt if you have it. You can create the deduction without it but we recommended to attach it
  12. Click on “Save”
  13. If you haven’t attached the ticket confirm to proceed without it

You can also create a generic cost deduction during the salary payout review, by clicking on “Add deduction” on the Deductions step. The modal displayed is the same.
Please take into account that the deduction will be included in the invoice total amount. If there is more than one invoice, the deduction will be included only in the payout.

How to create a paid freelancer separately deduction?

To create a paid to freelancer separately deduction: 

  1. Filter by the freelancer for which you are going to create the deduction
  2. Click on + Add new expense in the bottom right corner
  3. Activate the toggle “Expense is included in the total sum of the invoice”
  4. Select paid to freelancer separately deduction type
  5. You can choose the invoice to attach the deduction
  6. Type a description or reason for the deduction
  7. You can add a reference
  8. Select the date
  9. Add a gross or net price
  10. Select the VAT rate
  11. Attach the ticket or receipt if you have it. You can create the deduction without it but we recommended to attach it
  12. Click on “Save”
  13. If you haven’t attached the ticket confirm to proceed without it

You can also create a paid to freelancer separately deduction during the salary payout review, by clicking on “Add deduction” on the Deductions step. The modal displayed is the same. 

Please take into account that the deduction will be included in the invoice total amount. If there is more than one invoice, the deduction will be included only in the payout.

How to review a salary payout?

To review a salary payout:

  1. From Dashboard: in quick actions, click on“Review Salary Payouts”. From menu, open “Salary Payouts for review”
  2. To find faster the payout, you could use the user filter if you know the username
  3. Click on the payout you want to review
  4. Check the invoice information: num, client, total net and expenses and click on “Next”
  5. Check the deductions added by the freelancer or add deductions if necessary and click on “Next”
  6. Add other reductions from bank transfer if necessary or check that the amount is set as 0 in the right side summary and click on “Next”
  7. If applying, check the YEL fee. Please take into account that the YEL fee is not added to all freelancers. And click on “Next”
  8. Review service fee. You can add a custom service fee, don’t forget to click on “set amount” before you continue. And click on “Next”
  9. If applying, review the quick salary service fee. You can also add a custom quick salary service fee, don’t forget to click on “set amount” before you continue. And click on “Next”
  10. Configure debt collection options if necessary and click on “Next”
  11. Review the salary payout fees, deductions and details on the right side and click on “Approve”
  12. Confirm to proceed

You can continue reviewing other payouts

Can I add more invoices to a salary payout?

Yes, if there are invoices pending for salary request creation when reviewing a salary payout, they will be displayed and can be selected into the payout.
Also operators can create salary payout requests using the user filter and creating a new request with multiple invoices.

Can I add deductions to a salary payout?

Yes, operators can add existent deductions or create new ones in a salary payout review.

Can I remove deductions from a salary payout?

Yes, operators can remove deductions added as expenses included in the total sum in a salary payout review. Once the payout is approved, you cannot edit or change it.

How to add deductions in a salary payout review?

To add deductions in salary payout review:

  1. In salary payout review, step 2: deductions, select the deduction you want to add from the list. Please take into account that some of them, might be part of an invoice, you can see those on “In invoice” column
  2. If you have not created the expense, click on “Add deductions” and continue the flow as when creating a deduction from the expenses page.

What are "other reductions from bank transfer"?

Those are any other reductions from freelancer bank transfer, e.g. pre-payments. Please note that these reductions do not impact on tax office notifications, etc. but only on the bank transfer amount.

How to add reductions from bank transfer to a salary payout?

To add reductions from bank transfer:

  1. In salary payout review, step 3: other reductions from bank transfer, add a description and the amount
  2. Click on “Add reduction”. Please take into account, that without clicking on this button, the reduction won’t be added to the payout

Do all freelancers need to pay a YEL fee?

No, only freelances that request it must pay it. When reviewing a salary payout, a toast message is displayed on step 4: YEL from operator fee reduction, with the details for this freelancer.

Can I modify the calculated service fee?

Yes, operators can modify the service fee and the quick salary service fee in a salary payout review.

How to add a custom service fee ?

To add a custom service fee:

  1. In salary payout review, step: review service fee or step: review quick salary service fee, enable the toggle
  2. Type the custom service or quick salary service fee
  3. Click on “Set amount”. Please take into account that without clicking on this button your custom fee amount won’t be added to the payout

How to add debt collection to a salary payout?

To add debt collection to a salary payout: In salary payout review, step: configure debt collection options, enable the toggle if it is disabled Type a debt collection reference Select the debt collection option: ⅓, ⅙ or custom from gross income. Please take into account that salary payout total amount can not be less than 1 euro.

How to approve a tax card?

To approve a tax card:

  1. From Dashboard: in quick actions, click on “Review Tax Cards”. From menu, open “Tax cards” and then filter by “New”
  2. Click on the user you want to review
  3. Check all the information provided by the freelancer and if it is necessary modify it
  4. Click on “Save & approve”
  5. Confirm to proceed

What if the freelancer doesn’t have an approved tax card?

If the freelancer doesn’t have a tax card approved, the default tax rate of 60% will be withdrawn in the salary payout request. So, contact the freelancer before approving a payout request with a default tax rate.

How to cancel an active tax card?

To cancel a freelancer active tax card:

  1. Go to menu and open Tax cards page
  2. To find the tax card, you could use the user filter if you know the username or type the name of the user in the search bar. Please take into account that the default date range filter is for the last 6 months
  3. Click on the tax card
  4. Click on “Reject”
  5. Confirm to proceed

How does user filter work?

User filter displays all the information related to the selected freelancer. All the pages are displayed only for the selected freelancer. When you are going to create a new: client, invoice, work hours, work notice, expense, payout request or check a report (income, cumulative or salary) you must select the freelancer for whom you are doing it.

What user roles can an operator create?

Operator-admin is allowed to create a new user for the following roles:

  • Accounting
  • Support person
  • Freelancer
  • Soletrader
  • Company

How to create a new user?

To create a new user:

  1. Go to menu and open Users page
  2. Click on + Create a new user in the bottom right corner
  3. Fill User account settings mandatory fields: Username, password and email
  4. Select the role for the new user
  5. Fill User profile information mandatory fields: First name, Last name, Street address, Postal code and City. Please notice that Finland is set as default for Country and citizenship fields, but you can select a different country or citizenship
  6. Continue the registration process, providing at least the mandatory information according to the selected role
  7. Click on “Create”
  8. Check that the new user is on the top of the list.

How to edit a user?

To edit an existent user:

  1. Go to menu and open Users page
  2. Filter by the user you want to edit (you can use the general user filter or the one displayed for the Users page)
  3. Click on the user
  4. Edit the user information
  5. Click on “Save” and check that a message “Data updated successfully” is displayed.

Please note that if an error message is displayed, your changes are not saved.

Which user information can be edited by operators?

You can edit the following information from a user: username, password, email, change the user role, address, citizenship, mobile phone, gender, business information, user settings , user finance configuration and finance settings.

The only information that cannot be edited or changed is the one fetched from the ID verification, such as First name, last name and social security number.

How to enable/disable a user?

To disable or enable a user:

  1. Go to menu and open Users page
  2. Filter by the user you want to enable or disable (you can use the general user filter or the one displayed for the Users page)
  3. In the list, click on the three dots (more) button of the user
  4. Click on “Enable”/ “Disable”
  5. Confirm to proceed

You can enable or disable a user by clicking on the user and then clicking on “Enable”/ “Disable”.

How to invalidate a user ID verification?

To invalidate a user ID verification:

  1. Go to menu and open Users page
  2. Filter by the user you want to invalidate the ID verification (you can use the general user filter or the one displayed for the Users page)
  3. In the list, click on the three dots (more) button of the user
  4. Click on “Invalidate ID verification”
  5. Confirm to proceed

You can invalidate a user ID verification by clicking on the user and then clicking on “Invalidate ID verification”.

How to set a user ID as verified?

To set a user ID as verified please note that all the mandatory information must be already provided:

  1. Go to menu and open Users page
  2. Filter by the user you want to set ID as verified (you can use the general user filter or the one displayed for the Users page)
  3. Click on the user
  4. In the right side, click on “Set as ID verified”
  5. Confirm to proceed and check that the message “User ID verification status change successful!”

Please take into account that if an error message is displayed, the user ID is not set as verified.

How to send a message to a user?

To send a message to a user:

  1. Go to menu and open Messaging page
  2. In top left side, enter the username and click on the user name when it is displayed
  3. Type the message you want to send on the right side and click on enter or send button

You can also search the users from the chats list. 

How does income report work?

Income report lists and sums up all the payouts, expenses and deductions that have been successfully done to a user in a selected period of time. This feature works per user, so you need to select a user in the top toolbar user selector to see the report.

How does cumulative report work?

Cumulative report describes the user cumulative amounts for the salaries paid in a selected period of time and in the current year. This feature works per user, so you need to select a user in the top toolbar user selector to see the report.

How does salary report work?

Salary report is a document that certificates the freelancer total invoicing net, taxable income, tax free expenses, taxes paid, service fees and social security fees included in the payouts for a selected period of time. This feature works per user, so you need to select a user in the top toolbar user selector to see the report.

How to update operator details?

To update the operator details, such as: compant ID, company VAT ID, company name or address: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Company details tab you can update these information

How to enable/ disable accident insurance as included in the service fee?

As operator you can set accident insurance as included in the service fee or not. To update this functionality: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled, disabled or forced accident insurance functionality as included in the service fee

How to enable/ disable liability and legal insurance as included in the service fee?

As operator you can set liability and legal insurance as included in the service fee or not. To update this functionality: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled, disabled or forced liability and legal insurance functionality as included in the service fee

How to enable/ disable usage of quick salary payment functionality?

As operator you can enable or disable the usage of quick salary payment. To update this functionality: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled the usage of quick salary payment functionality

How to enable/ disable client review functionality for invoices?

As operator you can enable or disable the client review functionality for invoices. When this feature is enabled, invoicing process has an additional review step by the client for all quick salary invoices and for invoices to which operator has enabled it specifically. To update this functionality: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled client review functionality

How to enable/ disable automatic debt collection bank transfers?

As operator you can enable or disable automatic debt collection bank transfers. When this feature is enabled, the system will automatically make bank transfers to the debt collection agency according to your configuration. To update this functionality: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled automatic debt collection bank transfers

How to enable/ disable sending employer's monthly report to Vero?

As operator you can enable or disable sending automatically the employer’s monthly report for total social security payments made in previous month to the tax office. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled vero: Employer’s Monthly Report

Please take into account that the report is sent for the previous month on the 2nd day of the month.

How to enable/ disable force YEL for all users?

As operator you can enable or disable to force YEL for all users. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled force YEL enabled for all users

Please take into account that if enabled, then the YEL pension questions list will be hidden and all users will be treated like they would have active YEL insurance.

How to enable/ disable force social security fees always?

As operator you can enable or disable to force social security fees always. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled force social security fees

Please take into account that if enabled, then social security fees are taken always at the time of salary payout, and it is informed to tax office accordingly. Only when user is minor or senior (YEL rules), the social security is not taken.

How to enable/ disable offering YEL insurance from operator?

As operator you can enable or disable to offer YEL insurance from operator. If enabled, please upload the template document to be signed by the freelancer. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled YEL insurance from operator

How to upload template document to be signed by the freelancer when selecting YEL insurance from operator?

To upload template document to be signed by the freelancer  when selecting YEL insurance from operator, first you need to have YEL insurance from operator feature as enabled. Then: 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, next to YEL insurance from operator section you can choose or upload a new file to be signed by the freelancers

How to enable/ disable work time management and functionality feature?

As operator you can enable or disable work time management and related functionality for all users. This allows user to create work assignments, report hours, get hour report acceptance from the client and automated invoicing of the working hours. This is a premium feature. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled YEL insurance from operator

How to enable/ disable simplified expense management?

As operator you can enable or disable simplified expense management. When enable, expenses can be created only when new invoice is created, or draft invoice is being edited. This will simplify the expense management because it separates Expenses -menu item and expenses listing is not available. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled Work Time management and functionality

How to enable/ disable allowing support messages?

As operator you can enable or disable allowing support to send or receive messages from user. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled support messages

How to enable/ disable usage of talent profile functionality?

As operator you can enable or disable the usage of talent profile functionality. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled talent profile

How to enable/ disable work notices feature?

As operator you can enable or disable the usage of work notices. This functionality will require freelancer to provide work start notice e.g. for company insurance policy purposes. Work notice needs to be active before any invoicing can be done. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled work notices

How to enable/ disable credit check functionality?

As operator you can enable or disable credit check functionality for the freelancers. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled Credit check functionality

How to enable/ disable SMS sending to freelancer?

As operator you can enable or disable SMS sending to freelancer. When enabled, the system will send a SMS message to freelancer in some important events, such as: salary paid, invoice sent, invoice paid, tax card approved. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled SMS sending to freelancer

How to enable/ disable requiring email address for new client contact person?

As operator you can enable or disable requiring email address for a new client contact person. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled Require email address for new client contact person

How to enable/ disable automatic username generation for new users?

As operator you can enable or disable automatic username generation for new users. If enabled, the system will automatically generate the username for new users and do not require username definition from the user during registration. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled Enable automatic username generation for new users

How to enable/ disable showing Info box in the Dashboard?

As operator you can enable or disable to show the info box in Dashboard. When enabled, a dedicated info box is shown in the top of the dashboard to show important and key information from your service. This information can be edited freely in HTML format. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled show info box in the Dashboard

How to enable/ disable showing Invite Friends option in the Dashboard?

As operator you can enable or disable to show invite friends option in the Dashboard. When enabled, shows “Invite Friends” in the dashboard for users and allows users to share their invitation link with their own referral code. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled show Invite friends option in the Dashboard

How to enable/ disable public API: Operator Metrics feature?

As operator you can enable or disable operator key metrics available via public API. When enabled, operator key metrics are available via public API (status/metrics) e.g. to use the values in external website. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled Public API: Operator Metrics

Please note that if you do not use this API, it is recommended to disable this feature.

How to edit invoice by email fee?

As operator you can edit the fee per invoice by email to be charged in each payout. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage per invoice. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit Invoice by email inputs: fee per invoice in EUR and fee per invoice %

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit invoice with OVT fee?

As operator you can edit the fee per invoice with OVT to be charged in each payout. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage per invoice. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit Invoice with OVT inputs: fee per invoice in EUR and fee per invoice %

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit invoice by paper fee?

As operator you can edit the fee per invoice by paper to be charged in each payout. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage per invoice. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit Invoice by paper inputs: fee per invoice in EUR and fee per invoice %

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit the minimum/ maximum service fee?

As operator you can edit the minimum and maximum service fee per invoice to be charged in each payout. These fees must be set in EUR. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit minimum/ maximum service fee per invoice in EUR inputs

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit YEL pension insurance fee?

As operator you can edit the YEL pension insurance fee to be charged. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage. Remember, this fee settings will be applicable only if you have enabled the YEL insurance from operator.

To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit YEL pension insurance inputs: insurance fee in EUR and insurance fee in percentage

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit accident insurance fee?

As operator you can edit the accident insurance fee to be charged. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage. Remember, this fee settings will be applicable only if you have disabled the Accidents insurance functionality.

To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit accident insurance inputs: insurance fee in EUR and insurance fee in percentage

How to edit liability and legal insurance fee?

As operator you can edit the liability and legal insurance fee to be charged. This fee must be set in EUR and percentage. Remember, this fee settings will be applicable only if you have disabled the Liability and legal insurance functionality.

To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit liability and legal insurance inputs: insurance fee in EUR and insurance fee in percentage

How to edit credit check fee?

As operator you can edit the credit check fee per transaction. These fees must be set in EUR. Remember, this fee settings will be applicable only if you have enabled the Credit check functionality.

 To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit Credit check fee per transaction in EUR input

How to edit quick salary payment fee?

As operator you can edit the quick salary payment fee to be charged. These fees must be set in EUR and percentage. Remember, this fee settings will be application only if you have enabled the Quick Salary Payment feature.

To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit Credit check fee per transaction in EUR input

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit new user bonus invoicing threshold amount?

As operator you can edit the new user bonus invoicing threshold amount. It must be set in EUR. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit New user bonus invoicing threshold in EUR input

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit new user registration bonus amount?

As operator you can edit the new user registration bonus amount. It must be set in EUR. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit New user registration bonus in EUR input

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit new user bonus for referrer amount?

As operator you can edit the new user bonus for referrer amount. It must be set in EUR. To edit this fee:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit New user bonus for referrer in EUR input

Please take into account that you can overwrite these settings per user by editing it on Users page.

How to edit default invoicing VAT class?

As operator you can set the invoicing default VAT class. 

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Settings tab, edit VAT class input in the bottom

Can I approve a client review invoice?

How to configure debt collection sent to bank account details?

As operator you can enable or disable to offer YEL insurance from operator. If enabled, please upload the template document to be signed by the freelancer. To update this functionality:

  1. Go to menu and open Operator details
  2. In Features tab, choose to enabled or disabled YEL insurance from operator.

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